Friday, December 5, 2008

OnLy in FeRnTuCkY

We saw this display of lights and had to share it with the world. What a disturbed individual in our neck of the woods...The grinch with a Gun shooting all Santa's reindeer wasn't enough..he had to shoot Santa too. Like I said only in Ferntucky!!!


Candy said...

that is horrible! seriously disturbed.

Keira is sitting by me and says,
"Felicity. I like you. You are the greatest friend I ever had. I like it when you go to church wiff me, it's really fun. Love, Keira"

Annie Jane said...

Hilarious! that cracks me up! did you see the one by the roundabout? a little less creative, but also a ferntucky classic.

Annie Jane said...

Oh! Wait a second! Same house!