Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Felicity quote of the day

I lay down with my girls every night for bed time...I have done it since Felicity was born. A while back Trevor was laying down with Felicity and he was telling her she is old enough to go to bed by herself without having mommy lay with her. I later told Trevor I WANTED to lay down with my girls every night because it gives us a few precious moments together and some day she will NOT want me to lay down with her so I am going to enjoy this time.

Anyway tonight I layed down with Felicity and we were just chatting about the day when she asks me..."Mommy, why does Jesus where the same outfit EVERY day?" I said well maybe he has 10 outfits that all just look the same. Maybe you should ask the Bishop, he's pretty smart. (thinking he would get a little chuckle out of the question.) Her response was.."LORON???" "He is JUST Chloe's daddy" We both started to giggle like giddy little girls in her bed. What a great way to end the day. My hope and prayer is my girls will be so used to me laying down with them at night that when they are in their teens in the quiet right before bed they will feel comfortable to share their joys and sorrow with me as we snuggle.