Friday, November 5, 2010

I am a total blogger drop out!!!

I know I have been MIA for a LONG time...This year has flown by with a blink of an eye. Every time something new would happen with us and I would THINK "I really should blog these pics...." But here we are in November with no blogs in over six months and I have to admit I am feeling like quite the loser! I am sitting here thinking I should download those Halloween pictures but I'm not going to....see total loser! I promise some pictures soon. I guess I just figured if I write something tonight it will light that fire under me again. Instead of wasting time on tv or facebook I really should be writing on here leaving my girls a history of our lives together when they were small. I have really been struggling with feeling like a failing mom. I have been checking out WAY too much and the other day I actually spanked Alexia I was so frustrated with her. She had punched me in the face three times that day and she was flipping out when I was putting her in timeout and she hit me again and I just lost it. I have never hit my kids it is kinda my rule...My parents were spankers(how could you not with 12 kids) but I really don't want to be. After I left her room I just cried feeling like a horrible mom because I just lost it gave her one hard swat and yelled at her. Seriously she is only two...and I just expect too much from her. I guess I need to start praying for patience with my beautiful Alexia she is going to be the death of me if she is this defiant in her teens!!!

Anyway I digress

pictures will follow soon. They have changed a ton over the last few month...They are the most beautiful creatures God could make and I love them so very much!


Lindsey said...

Definitely not a blog loser. You put your time to a hundred other worthwhile things all the time. You are a go-getter and amaze me constantly with all you do! And you are an awesome mom. You have great kids and it shows by how well behaved and sweet they are. We all have our moments as moms where we regret the heat of the moment and what we do - I've given Dallin some swats I wish I hadn't despie planning on being a no-spanker too and I never thought I would YELL at my kids! Live and learn and do better. You are great! I'm so thankful for your friendship. I learn a lot from you about mothering and truly selfless service.

Jonnette said...

Welcome to the real world honey! You've been living the "perfect life" way too long. Wake up and smell the manure sister. Suck it up, get over it, deal with it. (anyone reading this I'm being very sarcastic... I'm her sister & I get to be.) I love you & miss you...

Christensen family said...

Hey girl. First I have to say your awesome and you truely are a wonderful mom to your girls I see it all the time in fact I try to be more like you. We all have hard times and moment with our kids but i think we do learn and I know your girls know they are your little babies and that you love them. Your the best. Let me know if you need some time and I'll watch the girls I'll just put them outside with mine and they can run until they are worn out. Love ya.

The Calls said...

Hey Tressa! Been there done that! It must be girls with names that start with "A". Love you. Adorable picture of the girls! I need to set up a blog page so you are way ahead of me!!! Love you, Jeanie